Fast and simple distributed
software-defined storage


  • Distributed SDS
  • ...but Fast 🚀 — latency 0.1 ms
  • ...and Simple ✌️ — 60k lines of code, not 1 mln
  • From Russia with love 🙂

Software-Defined Storage (SDS)

Software that assembles usual servers with usual drives into a single scalable fault-tolerant storage cluster with extended features

Why do IaaS/PaaS providers use SDS?

  • Scalability
  • Client data preservation
  • Reduced costs due to hyperconvergence
  • No need for server "micromanagement"
  • Different storage classes (SSD, HDD)

But most SDS are an overhead


  • Q=1 — best possible latency
  • 4 kb write to SSD — 0.04 ms
  • 4 kb write to Ceph — from ~ 1 ms
  • Internal cloud SDS's – ± the same
  • 2400 % overhead !


  • ~ 0.1 ms replicated latency
  • ~ 0.2 ms erasure-coded latency
  • 3-8 GByte/s per client (VM)
  • ~ 400000 iops per client
  • Just ~1 CPU core per NVMe disk
  • Low (50%) rebalance impact

Vitastor — protocols

  • Block access (VM disks, containers):
    Kubernetes, Proxmox, OpenNebula, OpenStack and others
  • VitastorFS (NFS) — clustered POSIX FS
  • Object storage (S3) — based on Zenko CloudServer


  • Replication, erasure codes (N+K)
  • All disk support: SSD/NVMe, HDD, SSD+HDD
  • Flexible data placement
  • RDMA / RoCEv2 support
  • Fast snapshots and clones
  • Fast checksums, data scrubbing
  • Monitoring
  • Kubernetes operator
  • And more...


  • Symmetric distributed, Ø SPOF
  • Block base layer
  • Uniform load balancing
  • Transactional writes → data loss protection
  • Optimised for modern SSD/HDD

Ease of support

  • Low number of components
  • Human-readable metadata in etcd
  • Minimal external dependencies
  • Compact implementation:
    ~60k lines of code (Ceph ~1M)
  • Non-standard architecture support (E2K)


  • Own Copyleft license: VNPL
  • Free use in OpenSource environment
  • Closed-source services require commercial support
  • Technical and architectural support from author


Block Storage

With support for all major KVM-based systems and containers: OpenNebula, OpenStack, Proxmox VE, Kubernetes

Clustered File System

Ground-up implementation of a scalable POSIX
Read-Write-Many file system
, mountable over NFS 3.0

Object Storage (S3)

Based on Zenko CloudServer

Latest Posts

First release of Vitastor S3

The moment has come - Vitastor S3 implementation based on Zenko CloudServer is finally released.

Key differences from the prototype:

  • Volume defragmentation is implemented;
  • Volume metadata may now be stored in the same MongoDB as object metadata, not just in VitastorKV;
  • Tests for the Vitastor S3 backend added;
  • S3 is now packaged in a convenient Docker build.

2025-03-16 Continue reading →

Vitastor S3 prototype based on Zenko CloudServer

The prototype of S3 Vitastor backend for Zenko CloudServer is now running 😊

This is of course far from being a release, it lacks at least defragmentation. But you can already try to run it and write/read something to it via S3. It’s even usable with GeeseFS. 😊

So, here are the instructions!

2024-08-11 Continue reading →

S3 implementation comparison

One question: Where to pilfer which S3 implementation to reuse?

I have no desire to write S3 from scratch, because the protocol, even though simple, has a lot of small details that require attention and cannot be ignored, because users always want maximum compatibility with Amazon S3.

At the time of writing this post, the following options were found: Minio, SeaweedFS, Ceph (RadosGW), Zenko CloudServer, OpenStack Swift, and Deuxfleurs Garage.

The main interest during comparison is comparing the S3 frontend, the external part of the server, because the storage layer will anyway be replaced with our own one (Vitastor).

S3 tests from Ceph were run during comparison, but in the simplest configuration, without setting up additional integrations possibly required for some of the tests.

Let’s try to look at the features of each implementation!

2024-05-09 Continue reading →

How Vitastor handles image snapshots

In fact, there are only 3 ways to implement snapshots: “redo”, “undo”, and “cow”. Also, proper snapshots should always be atomic. What does this all mean?

2023-08-30 Continue reading →

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